Family Resources
Online Tutors
Online tutors are available on-demand every day from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. For one-to-one help with homework, skills building and test prep click here for more details.
Gain Writing Skills
Writing resources to gain writing a good conclusion paragraph skills click here for more details.
California Content Standards for Parent Resources
These resources have been compiled for parents and guardians interested in learning more about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and how to support their child’s attainment of these standards. Click here for more details.
COVID-19 LAUSD Resources
LAUSD has put together resources to help families during these challenging times. Here are a few resources to help you, parents and guardians, to take care of yourself. Click here for more details.
LAUSD School Mental Health Resources
These resources are a starting point for lea children cope. Find free mental health resources that will help you check-in with your child. Get the information you need to start the conversation about mental health. Click here for more details.
Technology Resources for Families
Here are several tech-based resources that could provide just the tool to help your child achieve more success and mastery in school. Click here for more details.