Parents » Title 1 & SSC

Title 1 & SSC

2024-2025 SSC Meeting Dates
August 20, 2024- SSC Orientation

September 24, 2024 -SSC Election

October 15, 2024

November 18, 2024

December 10, 2024

January 21, 2025

February 18, 2025

March 4, 2025

April 22, 2025

May 20, 2025


2024-2025 SSC Members



William Bazadier


Teacher Memebers:



Other Staff:



Parent Members:



Student Members:




The purpose of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is to provide compensatory education funds to supplement services needed to raise the academic achievement level of K through 12 participants in basic and advanced skills. Additional support may be provided through professional development and health and guidance services. Parents of students being served have the opportunity to participate in the design and implementation of the program through activities such as developing parent policy and compacts; parent-teacher conferences; parent training and literacy; classroom volunteers, tutors, aides, etc.; the Compensatory Education Advisory Committee (CEAC); and the District Advisory Committee (DAC). The program receives federal funding from the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA), and the Economic Impact Aid--State Compensatory Education (EIA-SCE).


Middle College High School administers a Schoolwide Title I Program (SWP). A schoolwide program school may use its Title I, Part A, funds coupled with other educational funds to upgrade the school's entire educational program, rather than to target services only on identified students. By affecting the entire program of instruction, the overall education of students at Middle College High School can be improved. When an entire school is the target of change, schools serving the most disadvantaged students can achieve success. These provisions enable a school to integrate regular and categorical programs into a coherent program for all students. The SWP becomes the school's overall reform effort. Schools are accountable for the academic achievement of all students under this reform effort, but especially low-achieving students.


Some of the supplemental Title I services provided to our school include:

  • Additional Class Size Reduction teachers in English and Mathematics 
  • Additional support staff like Counselors and Teacher Assistants 
  • Additional hours for support services like Nursing and Community Representative 
  • Computer Tech support to the instructional program 
  • Academic intervention programs for students struggling to meet the Common Core Standards 
  • Parent Training Programs 
  • Development of a Parent Center 
  • Provide student data to access the academic program

Funding for the Title I program is based on the number of students enrolled in the free and reduced federal meals program. Students qualify after completing a Household Income Verification Form (HIF) application and meet the family income criteria. Other benefits of the meal program include fee waivers for PSAT, SAT, and ACT exams as well as Advanced Placement (AP) tests and college application fees. Link to completing the Household Income Verification Form (HIF)


Annual Title I Meeting
Every year, Middle College High School is required to have a public meeting to present how we are utilizing the state and federal Title I Funds to upgrade the entire educational program to benefit ALL students at our school. 


For more information contact:

Title I Coordinator


For more information about Title 1, please click here to go to the California Dept. of Education website.