Academics » Intervention Services

Intervention Services


Math Boost Academy (MBA)

An intervention to enhance Math skills for 11th grade students


Summer Bridge

Middle College offers a bridge program for incoming 9th graders to support the transition from middle school to high school.  It is also designed to get 9th grade students acclimated to our dual-enrollment program in partnership with LA Southwest College.


Saturday School

Students needing to make up credits in A-G courses required for graduation are supported with options for credit recovery through in-seat and online courses.  Students seeking to make up coursework should see Ms. Howard or Ms. Jiang for more information


After-School Tutoring

Middle College offers a variety of programs for students that need additional help. Specialized programs in the 9th grade target reading and math skills. Interested students should speak with Ms. Howard or Ms. Jiang. Teachers offer extra tutoring help after-school on Mondays and Fridays from 3:30 p.m. -4:30 p.m. Please speak with each individual teacher for their tutoring availability