Academics » Course Offerings

Course Offerings




Advanced PE 1

Advanced PE 2


Team Sports:

Boys-Baseball, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Track, Cross Country, Swim

Girls-Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Track, Cross Country, Swim

Beginning Basketball
Introduction and development of basic individual fundamental skills. Basic rules and drills are stressed to ensure student success and proficiency.

Advanced Basketball
Designed to refine/emphasize advanced skills and strategies. Students in this class should consistently demonstrate motivation, personal desire, and/or determination to pursue an increased level of skill/ability while participating in games and tournaments.

Body Contouring
This course is primarily geared toward body sculpting, shaping and toning. Many of the activities and instruction deal with information and issues that are particularly relevant to young adults. A variety of activities are included in this program. Theses activities have included Weight Training, Aerobic Dance, Power Walking, Tae-bo, Circuit Training, Interval Runs, Kickboxing, Yoga, Bleacher Runs, Obstacle Courses, Plyometrics, and the instructor's (Coach William's) own specialty workouts.

Body Dynamics
A comprehensive course in intermediate to advanced body building with an emphasis on Olympic and Power lifts. This course is designed for those serious individuals who aspire to be six, seven, or even eight semester weight trainers.

An activity class that stresses both individual and team concepts and skills. Skills taught include: dribbling, shooting, passing and trapping. Concepts include: rules, regulations strategies (both offensive and defensive) and teamwork. Emphasis is also placed on conditioning, strength and flexibility.

Students of all skill levels will learn the basic fundamentals and an understanding of the rules and strategy of the game of softball. The students will also participate in modified games and innovative activities that will stress critical thinking and team work. Students will also be given an understanding of the need for developing and maintaining an average level of physical fitness for their age. Four areas of fitness are stressed and practiced each day in class and are tested throughout the year. The four areas include: upper body strength, abdominal strength, flexibility and cardiovascular efficiency.

Team Sports
Students of all skill levels will participate in a variety of team sports, modified games, and innovative activities. An understanding of the rules and strategy of games will be stressed as well as skill development, critical thinking, and teamwork. Students will also be given an understanding of the need for developing and maintaining an average level of physical fitness for their age. Four areas of fitness are stressed and practiced each day in class and are tested throughout the year. The four areas include: upper body strength, abdominal strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular efficiency.


Student Government
This class plans and organizes activities at Middle College High School, manages the Student body budget and addressees the concerns of the Student body. There are four elected offices. Homeroom representatives are selected by their Record Room class and aid in the communication.

English as a Second Language
These classes are for the student who speaks little or no English. Intensive training is offered in English. These classes are organized into beginning, intermediate, and advanced groups. Each semester student needs are evaluated, and specific classes are offered to meet those needs. Students receive bilingual instruction in social studies, mathematics, business and sciences. The program meets the mandates of Federal and State legislation.

Languages Other than English (LOTE)

Students who elect to study a foreign language should demonstrate reliable work and attendance habits, be prepared to participate actively in classroom activities, and understand that analysis and description of the function of language and its elements are major components of the course of studies. In acquiring appropriate and sequential skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing, students should expect regular homework assignments, a variety of classroom activities designed to develop facility with language learning, and frequent assessments to monitor and assist their progress.

Spanish 1AB*
Provides practice in listening for comprehension and in speaking within limited scope, including brief dialogues and narratives related to activities in school, home, and community. Stresses correct pronunciation and intonation. Provides correct use of basic language structures in oral reading and writing of familiar material. Develops appreciation of the customs and traditions of Spanish speaking people as reflected in our local community and in the southwest.

Spanish 2AB**
Reviews material presented in Spanish1AB. Extends ability in aural comprehension, speaking, oral reading and writing. Provides practice in language structures appropriate to this level. Continues to stress correct pronunciation and intonation. Develops understanding and appreciation of Spanish people, regional differences, and important historical events in Spanish history.

Spanish 3AB***
Develops further aural-oral facility in Spanish through more varied listening and speaking activities such as viewing Spanish language films, discussing current events, and taking dictation. Completes the study of basic language structures. Provides practice in writing directed compositions and summaries. Offers opportunities for class discussion involving important aspects of historic civilization and customs.

Advanced Placement Spanish
Provides opportunities to read representative novels, short stories, and plays. Includes a variety of areas relating to aesthetic and intellectual experiences in such fields as art, architecture, music, and the sciences. Develops appreciation of style and expression. Improves proficiency in all communication skills through such activities such as listening to native speakers and to recorded selections of prose and poetry, discussions of contemporary problems, and presentation of oral reports. Includes writing of resumes and original compositions while reinforcing language structures. Emphasizes oral communication.

Spanish for Spanish Speakers I/II
Will provide learning and practice in speaking and writing correctly in Spanish. It will provide the correct usage of basic language structures in reading and writing appreciation, and understanding of the customs and traditions of the Spanish speaking countries.


Advanced Placement Spanish Language and AP Spanish Literature

* C average or better in English is strongly recommended for Foreign Language 1AB classes.
**Prerequisite: C average or better is strongly recommended in Foreign Language 1AB.
***Prerequisite: B average or better is strongly recommended for Foreign Language 2AB.
****Prerequisite: B average or better is strongly recommended for Foreign Language 3AB



CC Algebra 1 

This course is designed to extend students' previous experience with patterns to a more formal understanding of relations, functions, and the symbolic language and structure of algebra. Upon successful completion Algebra 1, student will receive a grade and 10 credits for the entire year.  This course prepares students for Geometry AB and meets the UC/CSU admission requirement.


CC Algebra 1 + Math Tutor Lab 

The purpose of this 2 hour block is to provide the content standards of CC Algebra 1 to student who would benefit from additional time to develop conceptual understanding of the content and to fill the gaps in previous learning that deter mastery of Algebra.. Students will receive 10 credits for the year with a grade of ‘C’ or better.


CC Geometry 
Prerequisite: C or better in CC Algebra 1 or CC Algebra 2 The purpose of geometry is to present geometrical concepts and patterns that are important to the development of students' thinking and problem-solving skills. The students work with the body of geometry theorems, including theorems involving two or three dimensions. Aside from learning these skills and concepts, students will develop their ability to construct formal, logical arguments and proofs in geometric settings and problems.
Geometry AB meets the UC/CSU admission requirement

CC Algebra 2
Prerequisite: C or better in Geometry B This course complements and expands the mathematical content and concepts of Algebra 1 and Geometry. Students who master CC Algebra will gain experience with algebraic solutions of problems in various content areas, including the solution of systems of quadratic equations, logarithmic and exponential functions, the binomial theorem, and the complex number system. Algebra 2 meets the UC/CSU admission requirement. Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 meet the three-year requirement for the UC or CSU system.

Prerequisite: C or better in CC Algebra The purpose of this course is to develop a firm background in, and to extend the understanding of pre-calculus topics and concepts. This discipline combines many of the trigonometric, geometric, and algebraic techniques needed to prepare students for the study of calculus. the most significant new concept is that of limits. Math Analysis AB meets the UC/CSU admission requirement C.

A.P. Calculus AB
Prerequisite: C or better in Pre-Calculus This course is intended for students who may have a thorough knowledge of college preparatory mathematics, including algebra, integrated mathematics, axiomatic geometry, trigonometry, and analytic geometry. It is assumed, however, that they have not yet acquired a sound understanding of the theory of elementary functions. When taught in high school, calculus should be presented with the same level of depth and rigor as entry-level college and university calculus courses. Students who score 3 or more (out of 5) on the AP exam for Calculus AB may receive university calculus credit for the first semester of college-level calculus.


Transition to College Mathematics (TCMS)

TCMS is a fourth-year college preparatory mathematics course to provide students a fourth-year mathematics option.  Students in TCMS develop their understanding of interpreting categorical data and extend their thinking of linear exponential, quadratic, power, circular, and logarithmic functions to model quantitative relationships and data patterns whose graphs are transformations of basic patterns.  TCMS AB meets the UC/CSU admission requirement C.



English 9AB
The major emphasis of the course is to promote the communication skills of ninth-grade students through a balanced language arts program which provides for student growth through appropriate practice in listening, reading, speaking, writing, and thinking. The literature-based units provide a framework in which students use English skills to relate to the worlds of past, present and future, including ideas, attitudes, ideals, and values.

English 10 AB
Meets basic English requirements and extends the communication skills of reading, discussing, listening, and writing. Stresses reinforcement of grammar and writing skills. Students learn to structure paragraphs and short essays, read the major forms of literature-biography, drama, novel, short story, and mass media and relate ideas in them to their own experiences and to those of others.


American Literature/Contemporary Composition 

These courses fulfill the 11th grade English language requirements.  The first semester emphasizes a survey of American Literature and the second semester concentrates on writing skills.


Honors courses are offered for 9th, 10th , Am Lit  and Cont Comp for the student wishing to challenge themselves and delve deeper into the intricacies of the English Language.

Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition AB (AP)
Develops comprehension of literary forms and content through reading, discussion, and composition. Certain colleges may accept AP for course credit or advanced placement of students who qualify.
Replaces Expos. and English Elective requirement. Prior Honors English classes with "A" or "B" grade/or AP Language in 11th grade strongly suggested. Require department permission (writing sample test and completion of summer reading list).

This is a two-semester class. The first semester will cover the required Expos. graduation requirement. The second semester will cover the English elective high school requirement and the UC/CSU Fine Arts requirement.


This Senior English class is the result of collaboration between the CSUs and LAUSD.  Teachers are required to attend special training so that students passing this course with a C or higher are accepted at CSUs without having to take Freshman English.


Advanced Placement English Language
This AP course is usually taken in the 11th grade. As with all AP classes, it is college level. Students receiving a score of 3,4 or 5 may be eligible to receive college credit (this is determined by the college). This course is taken instead of Am Lit/Cont Comp.


Advanced Placement English Literature 

Develops comprehension of literary forms and content through reading, discussion, and composition. Certain colleges may accept AP for course credit or advanced placement of students who qualify.
Replaces Expos. and English Elective requirement. Prior Honors English classes with "A" or "B" grade/or AP Language in 11th grade strongly suggested. Require department permission (writing sample test and completion of summer reading list).



Advanced Placement Biology
Prerequisite: Approval of instructor Grade 10-12
A second year of biology which stresses molecular biology, genetics, population genetics, and evolution. The course emphasizes laboratory work and experimental aspects of biology and focuses on the development of scientific writing in essay form. Prerequisites include one year of biology and one year of chemistry. the course is also designed to prepare students for the advanced placement biology examination. Major universities may give college credit if the College Board Examination is passed.

Advanced Placement Physics AB Grade 12 (Annual Course)
Stresses the analytical approach to problem solving with frequent use of calculus. Includes an in-depth treatment of mechanics and electricity and magnetism at the level of a university "engineering physics" class. Preparation for the AP physics "C" test.

Biology AB (Annual Course)
Study of similarities and differences of all living organisms, their relationships to each other and their environment. Student's study individual organisms, their functions, reproduction and heredity, and adaptability to environment. Strongly recommended to meet the senior high school requirement of one year of laboratory science. Meets entrance requirements of one year of a laboratory science for University of California system, such as UCLA, State Universities such as CSULA, and Junior Colleges such as Southwest College.

Chemistry AB
Prerequisite: Algebra 1AB, Biology AB, Geometry is strongly recommended. Grades 11-12 Annual Course Basic concepts include structure of matter bonding, stoichiometry, gas laws, thermochemistry, solutions, ionization, acid-bases, salts, equilibrium, oxidation-reduction, and carbon compounds. Laboratory investigations coordinated with text assignments are emphasized. Chemistry AB is a requirement for pre-med, engineering, and computer science programs.

Physics AB
Prerequisite: Algebra 1AB and Geometry, enrollment in Algebra 2AB or Math Analysis.
Emphasizes experimental solution of scientific problems through laboratory investigations and demonstrations. Includes the study of mechanics, optics, wave phenomena, electricity and magnetism, relativity, and other selected topics in modern physics. Recommended for students planning majors other than physics or engineering.

Physiology AB
Grades 11-12 Annual Course
Designed for those college bound students who wish to continue their studies in the biological sciences; particularly those who have a special interest in the fields of public health, nursing, and medicine. Develops an understanding of the structure and functions of the human body and the basic biochemical concepts underlying life processes. Emphasis is placed upon laboratory techniques which develop skills in observation, critical thinking and dissection.


Biology, Chemistry and Physics are all offered as Honors courses as well.


Introduction to Art
This is a general art class suggested for non-art majors but also serves as a background for other advanced art classes. Students are introduced to a variety of techniques and media along with art fundamentals.


This course is designed to teach the skills necessary to produce the school yearbook, which offers a complete record of an entire school year.  The year begins by planning the coverage for the school year and designing a unifying theme for the book.  Students will study magazine journalism including layout and design techniques, writing and editing copy, headlines and picture captions.  This course provides the study of and practice in gathering and analyzing information, interviewing, note taking and photography.  Students will learn strategies of planning, marketing (ad sales) and distribution of the yearbook.  Students will learn proofing strategies and work independently with photographers.  At times, deadlines require that staff members work after school and on weekends.  An on-line design program is utilized which allows students to be able to work on the book from any location. Students will learn good work habits and are responsible for all phases of yearbook publication. 


Projects:  Projects will involve selling ads, helping with pictures throughout the year, and the distribution of yearbooks.

References:  The internet, magazines and other yearbooks may be used as references.​


Deadline Policy – It is a simple fact of life; the real world revolves around deadlines.  Yearbook is a real-world class.  Fotorama Studio assigns the yearbook staff deadlines and the advisor and editors establish mini deadlines so the companies are met.  Not meeting deadlines results in the company assigning late charges or possible delaying the shipment of the book.  FAILURE TO MEET DEADLINES WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.


HEALTH 11 (Los Angeles Southwest College)

Health Education
Develops understanding of basic health concepts. Encourages attitudes and skills that lead to effective decisions and life styles in regard to individual, family, and public health. Fulfills requirements of the California Education Code considering the teaching of safety and first aid, the effects of narcotics, dangerous drugs, alcohol and tobacco on the human body.


Advance Band

The major emphasis of this course is to develop student achievement through the study of band music and other forms including chamber music.  The course develops the ability to perform on an instrument with considerable skill, accuracy, and aesthetic sensitivity, develops skills in score reading, and develops understanding and appreciation of artistic expression.  The course provides opportunities for increasing skill in ensemble playing and provides acquaintance with and study of the standard repertory of band that is technically and qualitatively advanced.  The student is provided with opportunities to examine and study the fundamental arts components including, where applicable, the perceptual, creative, historical, and critical.


The major emphasis of this course is to develop student achievement through beginning level techniques in playing orchestral or band instruments.  The course develops the physical skills necessary to play beginning level music accurately and with good tone quality and develops skills in reading music notation.  The course provides opportunities for growth in the understanding of musical elements as applied to the music played.


The major emphasis of this course is to develop student achievement through the development of basic skills in playing a keyboard instrument, including use of the pedal board and knowledge of the characteristic tone of the stops on the organ.  The course provides opportunities to study music composed especially for keyboard instruments, develops an understanding of the historical significance of the keyboard instruments and their literature, and increases skills in reading musical notation.  The student develops an awareness of the influence of personality, intelligence, talent, coordination, and discipline on the style of the individual musician.  The course also provides opportunities for growth in the understanding of elements of music.

Theater Introduction
The purpose of this course is to provide a balanced theater arts program that guides students to achieve the standards in the performing arts. The course will emphasize artistic perception and creative expression. It will promote understanding of aesthetic valuing, historical and cultural awareness, and the interconnections of the arts and other disciplines. Students will be trained in the fundamental skills of the theater arts, including improvisation techniques, body control, voice, diction, pantomime, learning of lines, creation of character, projection of ideas and emotions, and preparation and acting of scenes from plays. Acting projects will provide positive group experiences in collaborative assignments, developing self-discipline, evaluating the performances of others, and accepting constructive criticism. Instruction develops language skills and appreciation through reading dramatic literature from various periods and cultures; using written critiques to evaluate one’s own work and that of others; writing dramatic scenes; character analyses, play reports, and introductions; observing with sensitivity; listening critically; and speaking effectively.


Theater Production

This course provides intermediate theater students with the opportunity to study theatre through the process of planning, producing, rehearsing and presenting full-length and short plays.  Continued growth and development of students’ acting, directing and technical skills may be demonstrated through regular public performance events on campus, in the community or at theater festivals.  Students will develop writing skills through preparation of character analyses, performance critiques and play-writing.  Opportunities for original work, improvisations, and advanced acting projects may be included. Students will explore the essential question of how the development of acting skills, an understanding directorial and design concepts and the relationships among theatre company members influence the production and performance of plays.


United States History AB
Emphasis of this course is the study of the United States in the Twentieth Century. After a brief review of the US History from discovery to the end of the nineteenth century this course focuses on the political, economic, social, and cultural history of the United States. the course is standards-based covering eleven standards which analyze separate strands of US History. Each standard is chronologically based covering a separate strand of US History. A state exam is given in May based on the standards. Students need to use their critical thinking skills as they analyze each standard in the course of study. This course is a requirement of the state and the district for graduation.

Advanced Placement US History
Prerequisite: Counselor and Teacher Approval required for admittance
The major emphasis of this course is upon providing an intensive study of the political, economic, social, intellectual, diplomatic, and cultural development of the United States. This course develops the ability to read advanced level historical work analytically and evaluate historical evidence and interpretations in arriving at conclusions. This is a college level course for students preparing to take the CEEB Advanced Placement Examination in United States History. This course meets the state and district graduation requirement for grade 11.

Advanced Placement American Government and Politics
Prerequisite: Counselor and Teacher Approval required for admittance
This course provides an intensive study of how the various elements of government and politics in the United States work together to produce public policy. It examines the critical relationship among the various institutions, government, groups, and ideas that make up the political scene. This course helps the student become familiar with the various ideas and theories used to analyze and predict political behavior and the terminology useful in describing politics. The activities include essays, tests, note taking, debates, research projects, and use of with primary and secondary sources. It emphasizes the analysis and interpretation of factual information as it pertains to the US government. This course is designed for students, eligible for Honors Social Science and gives them an opportunity to interact with college-level material. If a student passes the CEEB Advanced Placement Exam, this course may be accepted by colleges for course credit.

Principles of American Democracy
Prerequisite: United States History AB
Examines our system of government, covering the purpose, structure, and functions of federal, state, county, and local governments and the political and economic principles that underlie our system. United States institutions, ideals, and practices are compared and contrasted with those of other nations. Explores the complex political and economic problems confronting national, state, and local governments and related current affairs and examines taxation and the effect of government policy on the economy. Examines types of elections, voting procedure, campaign techniques, political organizations, and the importance of participation in the democratic process.

The major emphasis of this course is upon studying the basic principles of economics to help students understand the "demand" economic system within which they live and to learn to analyze objectively the wide range of problems that confront their society. Identifies the growing problem caused by unlimited demands on limited natural resources and by socioeconomic desires for a balanced ecology on the one hand and an increased standard of living on the other. Enables students to gain a better of how and why the United States economic system work, how they fit into the economy and influence it by their decisions, and how they can help it to serve them better.

Advanced Placement World History
World History AB
The major emphasis of this course is upon continuing the study of the changing world begun in grade 7 and briefly reviewing the area studies presented in that grade. This course is designed to give students both an historical outlook on and a contemporary view of the world. Students will become more knowledgeable about significant historical events, ideas, and forces that have shaped and are shaping our world. The focus of the course is from the late eighteenth century to the present. Political, geographic, economic, social, and cultural events are emphasized.


World History

This is a survey course of Modern World History from the beginning of the 20th century


Ethnic Studies

The major purpose of this course is to educate students to be politically, socially, and economically conscious about their personal connections to local and national history. Ethnic Studies focuses on themes of social justice, social responsibility, and social change. The course spans from past to present, from politics to social reform, allowing students to identify similar social patterns and universal qualities present in other societies, including their own. This course will focus on the experiences of African

American, Asian Americans, Latino American, and American Indians. This course will also include an Identity section where students will consider concepts related to their own personal, group, and/or national identity.


African-American History

The major purpose of this course is to develop an understanding of the role and contributions of African Americans to the growth and development of the United States. The course offers opportunities to examine the historical significance of African Americans from African Origins through present times.  Units should be taught through the lens of the unique cultural and political experiences of African Americans in the United States. The course promotes critical thinking about race, and other systems of

difference that shape individual and group interactions, American identity, and culture.