Academics » BSAP


“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

― Maya Angelou


Current Students have been Cohorted by grade level in Advisory period to meet their needs more effectively. 

Community members, Support Staff, Teachers, and Administrators meet students in small learning communities and discuss, strengthen, and support student achievement and resources necessary for their academic goals. 


Primary Focus for Black Student Achievement Plan:

  • Provide guidance to black students in matters regarding academic intervention plans, enrichment options, graduation, college entrance requirements, and scholarships; consults with parents and school personnel as a means of helping students with educational and personal problems that may be interfering with their learning and success in school.
  • Provides individual and group counseling and guidance to black students in the academic, personal-social, and career domains.
  • Helps targeted students effectively utilize the educational opportunities of the school; recommends available resources within the school, school system, and community to meet the needs of individual students; assists in making such referrals and contacts.


BSAP students are:

  1. Proud – Feel great satisfaction when you have achieved your goal.
  2. Prompt – Be on time without delay.
  3. Persistent – Never give up when things seem difficult.
  4. Productive – Always produce quality work.
  5. Polite – Show good manners towards others in behavior and speech.
  6. Prepared – Be organized, equipped and ready to learn.